Gambling Help NSW is a free, confidential service that assists gamblers and their families in NSW and operates in over 200 locations across the state. It includes a range of therapeutic and financial counselling and support services that can be accessed by phone, online and face-to-face. All services are free and confidential.
Gambling Help NSW is a free, confidential service that assists gamblers and their families in NSW and operates in over 200 locations across the state. It includes a range of therapeutic and financial counselling and support services that can be accessed by phone, online and face-to-face. All services are free and confidential. Service directory search results. Mission Australia's nationwide services help people find safe and affordable housing, support disadvantaged children and families, empower troubled young people, assist people with mental illness and disability, and much more.
- Gambling Counselling Services.Page:16 Sexual Assault Counselling. Housing NSW Liverpool ( previously known as Dept of Housing).
- For assistance outside our service hours please contact Gambling Help (NSW), a problem gambling information, counselling and referral helpline on 1800 858 858, which operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Gambling Help Service is a free and confidential service for problem gamblers and for those affected by problem gambling.
- Liverpool Mental Health Gambling Team in Liverpool, 2170, offers the following services - Mental health service.

Gambling Help services in NSW

Gambling Help NSW provides a range of counselling and support services. In addition to gambling counselling, support services include financial counselling, legal support, CALD and Aboriginal-specific support and women’s counselling.
To find a counselling service near you in NSW, visit the interactive map on the Gambling Help NSW website or call 1800 858 858.
Gambling Help NSW is:
- Free and confidential
- Available face-to-face, via telephone or videoconference
- Available in over 40 languages
- A source of useful information and strategies to reduce or stop gambling or assist your loved one
- Able to support you through the counselling process and self-exclusion from gambling venues

For support in your preferred language, you can contact the Multicultural Problem Gambling Service on 1800 856 800 or visit the Gambling Help NSW website for a list of culturally specific gambling counselling providers.
Aboriginal people can access free advice and help on 1800 752 948. Support is also available from Warruwi Gambling Help and Aboriginal counsellors. For more information visit the Warruwi Gambling Help page.
Sydney Women’s Counselling Centre provides a gambling help counselling program for women. Call (02) 9718 1955 to find out more and make an appointment.
Legal help is also available to anyone who has a legal issue as a result of gambling. The NSW legal help team can provide free legal advice for gambling related matters or can take on your case. You can make an appointment for a phone or face-to-face consultation by contacting Wesley Community Legal Service by phone on 0429 552 733 or email at
Gambling Help services are funded by the Responsible Gambling Fund on behalf of the NSW Government.
Bar yourself from a venue (self-exclusion)
Self-exclusion is a program that enables people to bar themselves from entering hotels, clubs and casinos in NSW or just the gaming areas of the nominated venue/s. It is a requirement that all NSW venue operators have a self-exclusion program.
You do not need to approach a venue directly to enter into a self-exclusion agreement. For support with the self-exclusion process, you can speak to a Gambling Help counsellor near you. To locate a counsellor, visit the Gambling Help website.
In addition, Clubs NSW operates the ClubSAFE multi venue self-exclusion system on behalf of clubs and hotels in NSW. You enter the program through your local Gambling Help service or by visiting your local venue. More information can be found on the Clubs NSW website.
For self-exclusion from The Star Sydney, you can speak to a Gambling Help counsellor or you can contact The Star’s Patron Liaison Manager on 9657 7645.
More information
Gambling Counselling Liverpool Nsw Primary School
For more information, you can call 1800 858 858 or visit
Learn how to provide mental health first aid to people experiencing gambling harm.
An introduction to Mental Health First Aid Conversations about Gambling
The 4-hour Mental Health First Aid Conversations about Gambling course is for any interested adult.
You will learn how to identify, approach and support someone experiencing gambling harm using a practical, evidence based action plan.
This course is based on guidelines developed through the expert consensus of people with lived experience of mental health problems and professionals.
Gambling Counselling Liverpool Nsw Manchester
What is the cost?
MHFA Australia does not centrally coordinate courses or set fees. Your local instructor can confirm their attendance fees.
Why attend a course?
Evaluations consistently show that MHFA training is associated with improved knowledge of mental illnesses, their treatments and appropriate first aid strategies, and confidence in providing first aid to individuals with mental illness. It is also associated with decreased stigma and an increase in help provided over time.
Gambling Counselling Liverpool Nsw Fc
Learn about the risk factors, signs, symptoms and motivations of gambling problems, how to approach someone about their gambling problems, how relapse might affect someone with gambling problems, and how to manage your own self-care.
You will also have the opportunity to practice your new skills in a safe environment.
This is an education course, to learn how to give first aid to others, and is not a therapy or support group.
The Course will Teach you
Download the MHFA
Conversations about Gambling flyer
'A great introduction for workers in the field who have limited experience in working with people with gambling associated harm. Also, I believe, a good course for members of the general community'
Gambling Counselling Liverpool Nsw Cardiff
'I thought it was really useful, highlighting the issues around mental health, gambling and ways to assess and support clients'
'It is well structured and informative around gambling harm and mental health. It is great to have programs such as this highlighting the issues and reducing the stigma associated with gambling harm'